December 7, 2012

DIY: An alternative to Ranch dressing

I've been thinking the past several days that I need to find an easy make-at-home recipe for dipping sauce. Erin and Noah love cut-up carrots, but they will only eat them with Ranch dressing. And that's also the case with cut-up pieces of chicken, cut-up bean burger patties...basically anything that can be dipped.

So to have something on hand that's less expensive (and probably healthier...I counted 19 ingredients in our Ranch), I did a quick Google search for a creamy dipping sauce. Here's one I found, which I modified slightly:

Creamy Dipping Sauce:

1/2 cup Mayo
2 tsp. Dijon Mustard
1 tbsp. Honey
1 tsp. White Vinegar


I tasted it with a carrot, and it's delicious. I could also see this being yummy on a salad. I'm not sure if it's drastically healthier than Ranch - since it still has fat and sugar in it - but at least I've cut back on the number of ingredients (my mayo has 7 and my dijon mustard has 6) and I made it fresh myself!


  1. Cool. You left "fingers" off the list of things they like to dip in ranch.

    Also, I'm deciding right now that I don't eat enough Dijon mustard.

  2. After I published the post, I thought about going back in and adding a comment about them dipping their fingers too :)

  3. I have to make ranch from scratch because we can't get it here (or, if we did, it'd be like $10/bottle, no lie). So I make it with 1/2 mayo and 1/2 yogurt and then add a bunch of spices like garlic powder, a lot of pepper, vinegar. I like the idea of the mustard though. I'll give that a try. Love the blog! Wish we could all cook together since we basically eat similarly.
