July 28, 2013

Quinoa with Roasted Veggies

Quinoa with Roasted Veggies, with a side of cucumber/tomato salad

1 cup quinoa (how to cook quinoa)
2 cups broth or stock (or water)
1-2 zucchini and 1 onion, cut into medium-large chunks
2-3 Tbs salted butter
1 clove garlic, minced
1-2 Tbs Dijon or stone-ground mustard

dried cranberries
chopped almonds

Preheat the oven to 500.

Cook the quinoa in the broth. Coat the zucchini and onion with oil, salt to taste, and roast at 500 for 10 minutes.

In a small pot, sauté the garlic in butter until browned, then remove from heat and stir in mustard.

When the quinoa is finished cooking, stir the mustard sauce into the quinoa. Serve topped with roasted veggies, almonds and cranberries.

Optional: a dollop of plain yogurt on top

July 11, 2013

Maybe skip the bagged ice

My husband forwarded me a link to a blog post that I thought was worth sharing.

The blog is Confessions of a Community College Dean, and the post is about summer jobs. He goes into some detail about the time when he worked for an ice factory (he makes note of the fact that "different brands of bagged ice come out of the same vat").

Here's an interesting detail you may want to be aware of:

Disgruntled workers have ways of Sticking It To The Man. Among these ways is peeing in the ice vat. There’s a reason I don’t buy bags of ice. If you do, first, hold the bag up to the light. If the ice isn’t perfectly clear, don’t buy it. Trust me on this one. Seriously.

Next time you have a party, maybe make your own ice for the drinks, and keep the bagged ice for the cooler...