May 17, 2013

Is Fluoride safe?

In the past, I have heard things here and there about fluoride not being safe for us. But until now, I have never looked into it. I now see that there is quite a controversy over this topic, especially whether it should be in our drinking water or not (I must be living under a rock, but I didn't know there could be anything wrong with it in our water supply). But fluoride in our water is a separate issue; so let's just focus on toothpaste.

First of all, the warning on all toothpastes should give us a clue:

Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.

With a warning like that, why is everyone not questioning whether or not this should be in our toothpastes - where swallowing can occur, especially for our children?

As we all know, the purpose of fluoride is to prevent tooth decay. Whether it does this or not (there is evidence that it might not even fight tooth decay very well...see article linked below), we are ignoring the fact that it is toxic for us and can have many negative effects on our health.

A very informative article was written by Dr. Mercola just a few months ago:

You’re Still Told Fluoridation Prevents Tooth Decay, but Science Proves Otherwise

I would recommend reading through it for comprehensive information on this. He goes into great detail about the harmful effects and how the bad vastly outweighs the good.

Towards the bottom of this article, Dr. Mercola posts a video of an interview with Dr. Osmunson, who is a dentist fighting against the use of fluoride. This is a very informative video. Please watch...

I'm only siting from one source, so I encourage you - if you have never researched it - to look further into this. To me, fluoride seems to be something to stay far away from, but it's only from hearing the studies which show that it's not effective on our teeth and that it's harmful to our bodies.

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