May 21, 2013

Good-bye Frizz

A few weeks ago, I wrote about going shampoo-free and switching to homemade options. The one I chose was using diluted baking soda, and then a rinse of diluted apple cider vinegar. Seems like a crazy way to clean your hair, but somehow it does seem to work.

In my previous post, I was mostly covering why commercial shampoo can be harmful to you, and then how to make your own instead. But I didn't say much about how it's specifically working for my hair.

(I want to say again that I know not everyone will get the same results when doing things homemade, so all I can speak to is my own personal experience with it.)

For as long as I can remember, I've been fighting against frizzy hair. I also have very thick hair, that is either heavy when worn long, or wavy and doing funny things went short.

6 years ago - used my hair straighener
Around 10 years ago, my sister-in-law gave me a gift of a hair straightener. I loved it and was able to have thinner-looking non-frizzy hair. I did that just about every day for 5 years. Then my daughter was born and I no longer had time to straighten it. So it didn't take long to start putting my hair back in a pony tail every day.

I stopped using my commercial shampoo 3 months ago. It took a good 3 to 4 weeks to get my hair's oil production back down to a normal rate. And since that has leveled off, my hair's texture is a lot better. It seems softer...but most importantly:


I wanted to break the pony tail cycle, so a few weeks ago I cut it short like I used to wear it in college. Now it's easier to wash with the natural stuff, it dries so much quicker, it doesn't get frizzy, and I can go 2 days between washing.

I truly believe that the store-bought stuff was damaging my hair and creating the frizz, along with the need to wash it every day.

I strongly encourage anyone to throw out their bottle of goopy toxins and try a natural solution (sure, you can buy something natural, but it's so expensive and tricky to find one 100% truly natural -  even "fragrance" is a harmful ingredient).

It may be a slight struggle in the beginning to find something that works for you, but do some experimenting because it's so worth it when you come out on the other side.

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