March 3, 2013


Our half-used jar of Tahini
Tahini is a paste made from ground sesame seeds, usually found in Middle Eastern dishes. It's very nutritious and can be used in a lot of ways.

From MindBodyGreen, here are
10 Reasons to Eat Tahini:

  1. It’s rich in minerals such as phosphorus, lecithin, magnesium, potassium and iron. 
  2. It's a good source of Methionine, which aids in liver detoxification. 
  3. It’s one of the best sources of calcium out there. 
  4. It’s high in vitamin E and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B15. 
  5. Helps to promote healthy cell growth. 
  6. Prevent anemia. 
  7. Helps to maintain healthy skin and muscle tone. 
  8. It has 20% complete protein, making it a higher protein source than most nuts. 
  9. It's easy for your body to digest because of its high alkaline mineral content, which is great for assisting in weight loss. 
  10. It is high in unsaturated fat (good fat!)
Here's what it says on our bottle of Tahini:

High in protein and other nutrients, it is a flavorful base for appetizer spreads, a topping for pasta or falafel, or an ingredient in soups and salad dressings. Tahini is also ideal for desserts and confections such as halva.

We've been using our jar to make hummus and salad dressing. I thought I'd share these delicious recipes...

(just to be aware, the jar is expensive...around $7. But you'll certainly get a lot of use out of it.)


Homemade hummus on a yellow pepper


(original recipe is from Hummus...this is very well reviewed. We modified it only slightly)

2 cups canned chickpeas (or cooked chickpeas*)
1/3 cup tahini
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
1-2 cloves of garlic (or a sprinkle of garlic power)
1 tsp salt
sprinkle of paprika
1/4 cup olive oil 

In a food processor, combine all ingredients except olive oil. As it's mixing, slowly pour in the olive oil until smooth. Keep refrigerated.

*Instead of a can, buy some dried chickpeas (much more cost effective and no added salt). Soak them in water overnight, boil them in water for about 45 minutes.

Easy Ways to Spice Up Hummus 

Hummus is great with veggies (like carrots, broccoli, bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, celery), bread, crackers and chips.


Tahini Salad Dressing

(idea based off of a Rachael Ray recipe...but drastically simplified)

1/4 cup tahini

2 Tbsp soy sauce
drizzle of vegetable oil
sprinkle of lemon juice
sprinkle of white sugar

Mix together. Easily double or triple to keep on hand in the fridge.


Broccoli and Cabbage Salad

Mix together:

- fresh broccoli
- red cabbage

- sesame seeds

(cashews and/or raisins would also be good)

Top with Tahini Dressing listed above.


  1. Funny, i bought a jar the same day you posted this...before i even read it. Do you refridgerate it after it is opened?

  2. Our bottle doesn't say to refrigerate after opening, and it's in our pantry right now. We figure we'll use it up before it could go bad. If you think it might be months and months before you finish the jar, then maybe put it in the fridge. Either way, I think you'll be fine.

    I just tried to find an "official" answer. Try this:
